If you are thinking of selling your home, you may be feeling a little overwhelmed by the “to-do” list generated by preparing for your sell. At CK Builders, we want to make it easy to upgrade/downgrade or even re-locate. We have prepared list of several things that you can do to prepare your house for the sell. In the Salt Lake City real estate world, you don’t need too much help selling a home. But these will help you optimize your process.

1. Declutter

Take a room or space each day and clean it out. You don’t need to do a complete home remodel to make things look new. A good rule of thumb is, if you haven’t used it or even unpacked it from the lasts move, chances are you can get rid of it. Donate unwanted items to a local charity or hold a yard sale with the intention that anything that doesn’t sell, gets donated or given away. Make sure you clean out spots that normally don’t get looked at, like closets, under the stairs, and cupboards. Chances are a potential buyer will look into all the houses nooks and crannies. Remove any distractions that will take away from the buyer looking at the true magnificence of the home.

2. Take you out of the picture!

By this we mean take down family photos, reminders on the fridge, and children’s art. Personal items create a block for potential buyers to see themselves in the space. Make the space as neutral as possible by removing personal items. This also provides a great opportunity to declutter and start packing.

3. Neutralize oders

As a current occupant of the home, you may have grown accustom to the smell of your son’s gym socks stuffed under the bed, or the dog bed that hasn’t been washed as much as it should have, but potential buyers and guests pick up on odd smells that can distract them. You want to neutralize the smell instead of covering it up with strong scents because a strong smell of any type may lead prospective buyers to think there is something being covered up besides just a smell. Buyers are a little understanding. Even if you build a house in Salt Lake City there is foreign smell since it isn’t your home. But neutralizing smells as much as possible helps.

4. Make a good first impression

Your home’s exterior is the first and last thing a potential buyer will see when completing a walk through. Take time to wash the windows, front door, and other areas that might contain fingerprints or debris. Make sure the cobwebs have been removed as well as any visible scuffs on the front door and railing. Make sure the outdoor lighting is working, and that the first impression creates a welcome home feeling.

5. Fix the front door

It’s more than just making sure that the entryway looks nice. Make sure that the door swings quietly, the lock operates smoothly, and the handle is tight. If a potential buyer sees that the front entry is not working properly, they may believe that other things in the house have also experienced neglect. A good front door can mean a lot.

6. Make the kitchen number one

If you are thinking of completing some upgrades prior to selling your house, the kitchen is the number one project to update. Opening up the space and making it user friendly will give you the most bang for your buck, especially when recouping those dollars when selling.

7. Flooring is key

If you have it in your budget, you may want to replace some of the flooring. As the most “walked on” part of your home, flooring tends to take the brunt of traffic. Polish hardwood floors, steam clean your tile, and clean carpets or replace stained and matted carpet. Potential buyers will often ask for these items anyway, so you may save yourself some time and the possibility of losing a buyer.

By taking some time to boost your resale value, you will make your home welcome to potential buyers. At CK Builders, we would love to assist you with the process by updating your kitchen or replacing your flooring. We specialize in home renovations in Salt Lake City. With extensive experience in remodeling, we can partner to make your home the hottest ticket in town.